This comes a little late for Thanksgiving but if you've ever wondered how those expensive restaurants make the decadent potatoes or looking for something that 'sticks to your ribs' here it is. Potatoes Aligot come from the Auvergne region in France and traditionally is made with tomme cheese, an unpasteurized cheese that is unavailable here. I make this dish with gruyere instead. A little of these potatoes go a long way and you won't need gravy. Bon appetite!
Potatoes Aligot
1 lb. potatoes, in large chunks (I don't peel, but that's my preference)
1/2 c. cream, warmed
4 T. butter
2 cloves garlic, pressed
4 oz. gruyere, or other cheese
salt + pepper
Boil potatoes until tender, but not mushy (~15 minutes, dependent on size). Drain. Mash them (or rice/whip) until smooth. Return to pot over very low heat, mix in cream, butter, and garlic. Add cheese and whip until elastic. Enjoy!
Yield: 4 side dish servings